80s toys - Atari. I still have
Start Your Pc very Fast
One factor that is considered a barrier to your computer’s start up time is the
unnecessary programs that start
automatically once you boot your PC. Some
of these programs set themselves to run in
the background and appear quickly when
needed. Oftentimes, these programs also let you know that they’re running on the
background by showing an icon. You may
not notice that your computer is slowing
down, but as your PC runs, in reality these
auto start programs use amounts of
memory from your computer. So one way to increase
the speed is to remove those unnecessary
programs that you’re not using. By doing
this, you can save memory and also
reducing the CPU processes during your
computer boot up, thus effectively increase the performance of your PC during boot up. Here’s how you can remove the
unnecessary programs:
1. Click the Start menu, then click Run, and
type in “Msconfig”, then hit OK.
2. A System Configuration Utility Window
will appear. Click the Start up tab. 3. The Start up tab will show you a list of
the programs that are set to run once the
Windows XP boot.
4. Improve your Start up speed by
unchecking the checked items which you
think you don’t need upon Start. up. The more items checked the
slower the Start up speed.
5. Click Apply and then restart your PC to
see the changes. Also check this startup
folder for
unnecessary programs, follow this instruction…
1. Click on the Start Menu.
2. Select “Programs”.
3. Then, right click on the “startup” under
4. Windows explorer would appear, now delete the links to unnecessary
applications. That is how easy and simple
it is to improve your computer’s start up
speed. As we said, this is just one way to
improve your PC’s boot time.